It's Sunday! No it really is... it's 12:01 am. :) SO Sunday, and you know what that means!? ... In My Mailbox day (hosted by Story Siren). You know what this particular Sunday means...... Nic and Del are TOGETHER!!! (dances happily*) This has been a long time coming... we are bestest buddies... and we missed eachother (tear). Back to business: What is this In My Mailbox (still hosted by The Story Siren) all about you may ask. WELLLLL.... Us booky folk have an addiction. An addiction to books. (You'd a thunk it). ANDDD... we like to acquire said books through various means. This may include: borrowing, stealing with the intent to return (very different to borrowing), buying, winning, receiving. gifting, finding (possibly in the street... but more likely from the library). That's probs the most common. We acquire said books through said means and we are happy about it and we want to talk about them. So this is where we do it. If you are having trouble figuring out who is who... Nic is in white font, and del is in that other chalky blueish purplish color... so... this color.
Nic's Said Books:
Die For Me by Amy Plum
Acquired via: Del's Bookshelf
"A must re-read in preparation for its newly released sequel, Until I Die (Also by Amy Plum believe it or not), review of which will be posted soon if Del can finish a book this year." (It's funny because she reads lots of books in a year... get it.)
Ripple by Mandy Hubbard
Acquired via: Del's Bookshelf
"I broke the coveted rule of not borrowing a book that Del hasn't read for this book... so it BETTER BE WORTH IT. ;) kidding... but really."
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Aquired via: Del's Bookshelf (are you noticing a common theme?)
"It has pictures...pretty pictures..." (Nic is making me add the quote "cool huh?" because she thinks people will think she's dumb if she only wants a book because of the pictures... but don't worry people... they aren't like pictures of teddy bears and bunny rabbits... I think I saw a dead person in one of the pictures.... straight up scary... you should think Nic is Bamf) Also... Neil Gaiman = Literary Diety.

Acquired via; Del's Bookshelf
"The ending to an epic saga, I think I might cry. Very excited for this one!" (She's read the other 3 if you didn't gather that)

Acquired via: Del's bookshelf (I will now refer to as my private library of happiness)
"Del forced this one on me. I was given no choice... she threatened to never let me borrow another book if I didn't read it ASAP... and as you can see... I save a lot of money by taking advantage of her book buying addiction. It looks really good though!" (The Selection is SOOOOO good!!! Seriously like if you read yesterdays shelf candy post you'll know how I feel about it.)
So those are the new ones, for Nic at least, if you failed to notice they aren't all that new for Del. ;) Stay tuned for a summer of happy dancing, joint posts and lots and lots of reviews. :) Happy Summer all!!
*A Happy Dance is one where the dancer in question takes their pointer fingers on both their left and right hands and points them into the air. Moving their adjacent elbows around frantically. What said dancer does with their feet is up to that particular person. However, we at DeLibrarie suggest somewhat of a dancy hop from one foot to the other... sort of what you would picture a lephrachan doing. :)
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