Title: Destined
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Published May 1st by HarperTeen
Goodreads Summary:
Tamani looked at her gravely, and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear.
He hesitated for a moment, then his hands found the sides of her face, pulling her to him. He didn't kiss her, just held her face close to his, their foreheads resting together, their noses almost touching.
She hated how much it felt like good-bye.
Laurel now knows the truth: Yuki is a rare Winter faerie, the most powerful—and deadly—of all, and Klea plans to use her to conquer and destroy Avalon. But Klea's reach extends far beyond one wild Winter faerie. With Tamani, David, and Chelsea by her side, Laurel prepares to face what may be Avalon's final days, in the stunning conclusion to the Wings series.
He hesitated for a moment, then his hands found the sides of her face, pulling her to him. He didn't kiss her, just held her face close to his, their foreheads resting together, their noses almost touching.
She hated how much it felt like good-bye.
Laurel now knows the truth: Yuki is a rare Winter faerie, the most powerful—and deadly—of all, and Klea plans to use her to conquer and destroy Avalon. But Klea's reach extends far beyond one wild Winter faerie. With Tamani, David, and Chelsea by her side, Laurel prepares to face what may be Avalon's final days, in the stunning conclusion to the Wings series.
DeLibrarie Review:
Well Wings... It's been 4 years... and now it's the end. It's almost sad: finishing the final book of one of your favorite series. I often dread the last book simply because I'm scared I won't like the ending ( the main reason why I still haven't read Stiefvater's Forever), but honestly, I think Laurel's story ended up exactly how it should have. Pike herself claims that the ending is "bittersweet," but aren't the bittersweet endings the most believable, nothing in life ever ends perfectly, so I appreciate when there is a little bitterness in an ending. So, the point of a review, do I think you should read this book? Well, this book in particular was all energy, fast-paced excitement, some heart-ache and a lot of death. The Wings series as a whole is well written, enchanting, touching, and real (emotions, not necessarily situations ;) ) This series is one of the reasons why I want to be a writer. I want to be able to touch people with my imagination the way that Aprilynne Pike has been able to touch me (and I suspect many others) with hers. So do I think you should read this book? Yes. While at times I think it attracts a younger audience, the over all themes and heart-wrenching attachment acquired speak to an older audience as well. Just ask those Mundie Moms. :) I can't wait for the next book that Aprilynne Pike writes and I can only hope that it is even remotely as enchanting as this series.

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