1. Black City by Elizabeth Miles.
I received this one as an ARC and have just barely started it. So far so good.
2. Embers and Echoes by Karsten Knight
I CAN'T WAIT to read this book!! I made myself pick up a few of my ARCs before I get around to this one because I know I'll fly through any other book just so I can read this one.
3. Surrender by Elana Johnson
I recently read Possession and love it. I ran out to the bookstore a few days after to buy this one and haven't been able to pick it up yet. Definitely plan on reading this one soon.
4. Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
I am madly in love with this cover. I wish it wasn't shiny... but I LOVE the art. I read Starcrossed back in like April and I thought it was fantastic. As you can see I have plenty of book 2s that I need to get crackin on.
5. Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick
So excited to see how this one ends. I've been in love with this series since Hush, Hush. Love me some Patch!!
6. Amber's House by Kelly Moore
I recently found out about this title. It looks really interesting. I'm always a sucker for Gothic YAs, they tend to be my favorites.
7. Alice in Zombieland
I love all things Alice in Wonderland. ALL THINGS!
8. Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
I need to stop putting this one off and just finish this series already!
9. Arise by Tara Hudson
Another book 2 that I need to cross off my list.
10. Abandon by Meg Cabot
This is another one that I've wanted to read but has just been collecting dust on my shelf. I try to avoid having similar stories floating around in my head at once, and since this is a Persephone story and so is Everneath I've been avoiding it... but I think it was long enough ago that I am safe now.
What are you guys planning on reading in the next couple of months?