Title: Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls #5)
Author: C.C. Hunter
Published on April 23rd by St. Martins Press
Goodreads Summary:
Kylie Galen's life hasn't been the same since her world was turned upside-down in Born at Midnight, Shadow Falls #1, and now an epic conclusion to her journey—not to mention a tough choice between two guys!—is brewing in Chosen at Nightfall:
When Kylie Galen left Shadow Falls, she thought it was the hardest decision of her life. Heartbroken and separated from everyone she loves, she has to embrace her abilities and what it means to be a chameleon. But as Kylie's journey comes to a close, she must return to the camp that started it all...and she must finally chose between the two boys who love her. The werewolf who broke her heart when he chose his pack over her, and the half-fae who ran from their intense attraction before they ever really had a chance. For Kylie, everything will finally be revealed and nothing will ever be the same.
DeLibrarie Review:
Sigh. I love this series... I'm sad it's over... BUT guess what?!!? A spin-off series!! Yay! It's supposedly about Dela, which is cool, but I hope that Kylie and Lucas are still very present in this new series. Shadow Falls is just such a breathe of fresh air. It's a good idea, with great characters and it is never boring. I will definitely be picking up any C.C. Hunter book that I can find.