Hello all!! So I have gotten myself into another one of my predicaments. I just got a new bookshelf from my Grandparents a couple of months ago. Now, I was moving rooms so I had to get rid of a smaller bookshelf because it didn't fit, but still! You would think that a nice big bookshelf would do the job since all of my books fit on shelves before the move. However, after my recent acquirement of a LOT of books (to be shown this upcoming Sunday!), I am once again out of room on my shelves for my books... I hate it when this happens. It's times like these when I wish that I could just have a nice big library for all of my books. Like the library in Disney's The Beauty and the Beast or the library in the PS2 game Kingdom Hearts II. Just a nice big room, with plenty of shelf space, big windows which overlook some beautiful landscapes like gardens or forests or somesuch, soft squishy chairs, a fireplace maybe, some tables with sweet smelling candles on them, bookshelf ladders, flowers and old epic artifacts interspersed between the books, some window seats, some staircases to reach the second level, and then moving bookshelves so that you can literally get lost amidst the wonderful stories of literature. I dream of the day when I can attain such a magical room (and yes, I realize the moving bookshelves part will forever stay in my dreams but hey, I can hope right?). Pretty sure I would spend the majority of my time in there. Although I think I would come up with a different name for it. Whenever I think of 'library' I think of a public library where you can only check out a book for a certain amount of time and you have to wait for others to return books. Now don't get me wrong, I adore libraries, but for my own 'library' I think I would have to come up with something new....like My Escape or something...but regardless of the name, a room full of my favorite books would be a dream come true. (Sorry I couldn't find a picture of the Kingdom Hearts library for those of you who haven't played the game) Below are some pictures of some BEAUTIFUL libraries. Enjoy!

So my question for you, is what is your dream library like? Or do you already have your own dream library? If you're an avid reader, then I know you've imagined what your own library would look like. So let us know!! We'd love to hear from you :)